Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

We deliver to Melbourne metropolitan and all major regional towns of Victoria

Keep refrigerated below 5°C and consume before the ‘use by’ date. If you would like to store the products frozen, then put your order directly in the freezer once received. Once thawed, consume within 3 days. Do not refreeze.

Preheat your oven to 180° C. Remove products from their packaging and place on a baking tray. Fan forced.

Party size pies, pasties, quiche and rolls
Heat for 10-12 minutes

Individual size pies, pasties, quiche and rolls
Heat for 15-17 minutes

Orders received by 11:59pm on Wednesday will be expected same week delivery for Melbourne Metro area.

Our products are all made fresh to order. We recommend you consume within 5 days, otherwise you can freeze.

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